I was lucky to attend this year's fantastic Animal Behavior Society Meeting in Princeton NJ. So many amazing talks and ideas and people! Among my favorites were Iain Couzin, James Serpell, Tim Clutton-Brock, Dorothy Cheney and David Whyte-MacDonald.
I storified my live tweets of the talks so you could get a taste of the awesome stuff that was presented:
Day 1: August 10
Day 2: August 11
Day 3: August 12
Day 4: August 13
I also hung with a few fellow science bloggers/twitter peops, like DogSpies, PrancingPapio and @RiceisReal
As a bonus, Princeton is a lovely campus with lots of eastern gray squirrels and rabbits! And somehow I got lucky, two weeks on the East Coast and the weather was pretty fantastic.
Next week: we return to regular programming with cats and squirrels and Friday Faves. Stay tuned!