Tag Archives: red squirrels

Dead Squirrels

A shockwave was sent through Britain when a man “photo-bombed” a news report, walking past with a dead squirrel.

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Later it was revealed that the squirrel is part of an upcoming comedy program, featuring comedian Kim Noble. I have to admit I’ve never heard of him, perhaps he is hoping the squirrel will give him his lucky break.

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It's Squirrel Appreciation Day! What could be better than getting caught up on all the latest squirrel news?

Imaginary squirrels can be helpful or harmful

housefireA man heard a sound at night that he dismissed as the pitter-patter of tiny squirrel feet. He went back to sleep and woke up when the sound was much louder and he realized that in fact his house was on fire. Luckily, he was not injured, although the home was a goner.

In Omaha, Nebraska, an intoxicated man who was causing a disturbance told police he was on the run from a “pink squirrel with sharp teeth.” He was later taken in for psychiatric evaluation.

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Squirrels are gonna shut you down

Squirrel-related power outages recently happened in Redding, CA, Charleston, RI, Tampa, FL (again!), Forest Park in Cincinatti, OH (leading the local high school to be dismissed early), Santa Clarita Valley, CA, and Kansas City, MO.

“Chicken of the tree”

Eating squirrel is gaining popularity, it’s not just for J-Law and rednecks any more. The lean meat is supposedly gamey but tasty. I’m a veg, so I won’t be trying it out. You can even buy it on-line.

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Grey squirrel invasion

The grey squirrel controversy continues, with the UK about to spend millions of tax payer’s money to kill grey squirrels in order to protect the endangered red squirrel. Some of that money will also go toward squirrel birth control. Some people are unhappy (at least about the cull, I’m not sure if the Catholics will opposed birth control for squirrels).

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Meanwhile Europeans fear a grey squirrel invasion of their own, with the French and Swiss up in arms about Italian grey squirrels hitting their turf (note, they are actually American squirrels who were brought to Italy many years ago).

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Squirrel sports

No we’re not talking about a sports event interrupted by squirrels, we’re talking about a competition designed FOR squirrels. This awesome British dude created an assault course in his back yard, the Squirrel Grand Nutional. It’s almost as good as the feral cat fish-lifting competition.

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Photo Ops

Holiday Stocking

stockingA little post-holiday joy, as if you haven’t had enough of santa, a cute squirrel playing with a stocking.

New meaning of “robo-squirrel”

roboNo, not the Republican-labeled "government pork" study - squirrels will eat from a giant horsehead mask, a squirrel head mask, so why not a robot mask?

Mom with babies

Watch a mama squirrel move her babies, then take a well-deserved nap.

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A squirrel makes a snowball

Or this photo was completely a set up

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Have you ever been peed on by a squirrel?

Twiggy the famous squirrel apparently loves waterskiing and water sports.

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Have you ever seen a squirrel tongue?

It’s a bit strange.

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“Shocking” incident

The Irish News reported that this park squirrel “shocked” children by climbing all over them looking for food. I guess nothing shocks me much anymore. At least not when it comes to hungry squirrels.

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Look up! It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a…squirrel nest!

If you take a moment to look up, you will likely see a drey (a squirrel nest) or two dotting the trees.

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Predator vs Prey

Bobcat carries dead squirrel around

bobcatKitty’s gotta eat

Flipping out

Watch these ground squirrels practice their evasive leap maneuver to avoid a simulated snake. These squirrels are known for throwing rocks at snakes, and perhaps even taunting them with their tail flagging.

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Who is predator and who is prey?

Eagles chase this squirrel out of their nest – squirrels are known for making snacks of birds’ eggs.

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Squirrel fashion

I’ve previously written about squirrel sweaters. Dita Von Teese (who is she again?) made a splash recently with this squirrel-skirt.

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Belding’s Ground Squirrels – in decline – and eating each other?

cannibalNote that this click-bait title is misleading, there is nothing about squirrels eating each other in this article. It does talk about the impact of climate change on this little rodent friend, and the impact of the BGS on the local crops.



This week's cute and bizarre

We humans are a little self-obsessed, we just love images of squirrels doing things we do

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sqlordsI think maybe if I used recreational drugs, this video would have been even funnier. I can’t even really understand it.

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All the squirrel news that's "fit to print" - squirrels got busy in November!

 Squirrels love the holiday season!

cinciEvery year, the Cincinatti Zoo has a “Festival of Lights” – with millions of beautiful lights for their holiday festival. The squirrels historically chewed the wires and removed light bulbs – burying them as if they were nuts – leaving the zoo to switch to LED and not hang the lights until the very last minute. The video is pretty awesome.

Squirrel damage seems to be a theme in the news these days, with this article: “Squirrels are cute until they cause property damage” which outlines the many ways squirrels can damage your attic, trees, and bird feeders.

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You got your squirrel in my pumpkin…

Squirrels and Halloween go together like chocolate and peanut butter. I remember the first year we put out a jack-o-lantern, only to find tiny nibbles and bits of pumpkin all over our porch. Great! Well, Halloween was just a few days ago, so it’s not too late to look at some squirrel-related Halloween stories.

Squirrels ruined over $100 worth of pumpkins in this guy’s yard ($100 in pumpkins? Really?)

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What happens when you let the squirrel carve the pumpkin?

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And yes, squirrels are naïve enough to stick their head in a pumpkin for cute photos

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Once again, there is so much squirrel activity around the globe!

 Power outages

Squirrels shut off the power to over a thousand folks in Toledo, and left people with nine hours of no power in Luverne and Rutledge, Alabama. A squirrel was electrocuted and caused an “electrical smell” in Grand Haven, Minnesota, shutting off power at the local post office.

Finally, a squirrel in Rancho Cordova in California caused a fuse to blow that burst a gas line, causing not only a power outage but also a school cancellation. “The squirrel did not survive.”

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Three weeks in squirrels

We're long overdue for a squirrel news update, and there's a lot to report!

Five amazing squirrel facts!

natgeoI won’t spoil all the fun, but my favorite is the fact that some squirrels hang fungi out to dry, essentially making mushroom “jerky” – gross (I hate mushrooms) but awesome. Read the facts here.

Ahoy, Matey

Why is this squirrel paddling around in the shallows of this beach in Wales? No idea.

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Controversial squirrel rescue causes more controversy

graceLast time I reported on Grace the disabled squirrel who a family had rescued and raised without a wildlife permit. Social media helped concerned folks get attention for this issue. The squirrel was seized by the state and brought to a wildlife rehab center. What is unclear is what will happen if Grace cannot be released back into the wild. Petitioners claim that in that case, the state will euthanize her instead of return her to her rescuers. Read about it here.

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Squirrel Drug-Running

A Russian squirrel took off with a baggie of drugs, teens chase, police get curious...you can't make this stuff up.

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Does this squirrel dress better than most college students?

Sneezy the campus squirrel has gained notoriety (and much media coverage) for her high tolerance for being dressed in cute outfits. A "squirrel whispering" student at Penn State has even turned this squirrel's cuteness into an enterprise, including a Facebook page with over 25,000 "likes." Is this squirrel-sploitation or just ridiculously cute? Is this putting Berkeley squirrels to shame?

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Ground squirrel too tubby; gets stuck in own burrow

Stocking up for the winter is a good thing, unless it's too much of a good thing, as in the case of this ground squirrel. Luckily he was helped out by some passers-by.

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Squirrel flirts with death at NASCAR race

In another "squirrel vs sports" moment, a squirrel almost got squished by sprinting across the racetrack at a recent NASCAR event.

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A squirrel’s guide to life

Imagine you are a squirrel: Should you trust humans? Should you cross the street? How do you get ladies and food? Being a squirrel isn’t easy…but now there’s the “Squirrel Code” (spoofing something I’m obviously too old and unhip to know about) to help you survive. (May not be suitable for work)

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